Our class blog assignment for this week was to put down our cell phones and actually connect with a complete stranger. At first, I did not quite know what I should do for this assignment, but the way this story played out is incredible.
Ironically, my put-down the phone anecdote begins with me picking up my cell phone! I was driving home from a friend's house on Sunday evening and listening to Radio 104.5. An announcement came onto the radio that prompted listeners to text the station. The first 20 to respond would receive passes to the Radio 104.5 Studio Session with the band named Mona. I texted in, figuring “why not?” and I won!
After arriving at the studio for Clear Channel Philadelphia and waiting for a while, we were directed back through the inner workings of the studio. We watched the two guitarists from Mona as they had an awesome acoustic performance. The video isn't up yet, but when it is it will be available here.
After Mona performed their 3 songs, all of the audience was given a Mona promotional poster. The band all sat at a table and signed everyone's poster before having their picture taken. My picture with Mona and my friend Mike can be found here, once it is uploaded.
You may ask, “Where is the connection with a stranger?” Well, after meeting with the band, we went out a doorway. There, one of the Radio 104.5 DJs, Wendy, was giving directions on how to exit the building. I approached her and asked, “Is there any possibility of a tour of the studio?”
To this, she responded with a hesitant, “Well...”
My signed poster |
Overall, I am incredibly pleased with the results of this assignment. I was able to connect with a complete stranger who works at a popular radio station. It is interesting that my story began by using computer mediated communication (CMC) via SMS and also that the follow-up is via e-mail, another form of CMC. Even so, without physically standing in front of Wendy, it would not have been possible for me to get a tour of the station.
Stay tuned to my blog for more about the studio tour! Hopefully I will be allowed to post pictures to the Blog of Charles Hanlon :) Wendy's blog can be found here.
(448 words)
Charlie -- I've had students who've enjoyed this assignment but you're the first student to possible get an internship as the result. While you're thinking about this, though, what might Goffman have to say about this? How about Byron Reeves (who does the old brain/new media research)? Let's add a little theory to this mix.